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Automatic High Speed Vial Filling Machine

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Description :

LAXMI Automatic Volumetric Liquid Vial Filling & Stoppering (Full & Half bunging) Machine. The Basic Unit Consists Of One Or both side Turn Tables, S.S. Slat Conveyor Belt, Unique Co- eccentric Simultaneous Gassing with Filling. The Machine Is And Can Be Run Totally Through Touch Screen HMI, PLC Control And The Machine Is Based On  Servo Motor Drive, Being The Stoppering Of Rubber Bungs Is Carried Out With The Help Of Vacuum Air Pressure. The Main Characteristics of the Machine Is That the Volume Can Be set On the Touch Screen HMI within a two second. The Machine Has an Output Speed of 200 Vials per Minute but Depending upon the Fill Volume and Container Dia. /size Or the Quality & Viscosity of Liquid.

Silent Feature :

The volume of to be filled liquid can be maintained on the touch screen-PLC unit itself, without disturbing the syringe physically unit.
All Liquid Contact Parts are of S.S. 316, the Body Structure is built up of S.S. 304 Pipe.
Co- Eccentric Nozzles allows Very Quick and precise Filling of liquid with Simultaneous nitrogen flushing.
No Vail/ No rubber Stopper – Machine stops system
Minimum Change over time, from one spare to another
Each individual part that is required for autoclaving can be mantled and dismantled very easily.
Can run both dry as well wet rubber stoppers.
Can be used for both – full bunging as well as half bunging. (Lypholizer Products)


Description LS 200
Filling Heads 6 Heads & 8 Heads
Output/ Min 150 VPM / 200VPM
Power Characteristics 440v 3 Phase 50Hz 4 Wire System
Input (Container Dia/ Height) 16mm Dia to 50mm Dia/ Height 75mm Max.
Rubber Stopper 13mm/ 20mm (Slotted & Non-Slotted)
Fill (mg.) 0.1 ml to 50ml
Filling Accuracy ±1 %
Net Weight 825 kgs
Turn Table 600mm
Machine Length 4400mm
Machine width 800mm/ 1600mm (Apro)
Machine height 1700mm

  Application :

And in other allied company and industries

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